Next date: Wednesday, May 07, 2025 | 06:30 PM to 08:30 PM
For adults ages 18 and up.
Want to work with other writers? Get advice on your latest story or poem? Commit yourself to a writing schedule? Practice your craft through poetry and short story writing prompts and practice? Then come to our Writing Circle for experience, tips on writing, reading, editing, and revising your work.
Share your unpublished and unfinished story, short story, or poetry drafts in an intimate setting. Get and give feedback in a healthy facilitated environment.
Writers of all genres and styles, at all levels, are welcome to participate.
Attendees should bring in several printed legible copies of their work to be read aloud or anonymously.
Conference Room OR Public Meeting Room
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Invitation Date*(Required)
This event occurs over multiple dates. Please select which date you want an invite for.