Library Use (Access to databases within the library):
Patrons may access these databases at any computer within the library.
Home Access (Access to databases from a remote location):
Some databases are only available in the library. Those databases will not have a link for home access. Access to databases that have remote access will require an ID number. Enter the 13 digit number on the back of your library card from a Main Library Alliance library.
Academic Search Premier (EBSCO – Magazines and Newspapers)
Provides journal coverage for most academic areas of study — including general academic, biological sciences, business, economics, communications, computer sciences, engineering, language and linguistics, arts and literature, medical sciences, social sciences & humanities, and women’s studies.
Bloom’s Literature (InfoBase Learning)
Information about authors, works of literature, and literary characters.
Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia (EBSCO)
Issues & Controversies (InfoBase Learning)
Timely, in-depth articles covering complex current events issues.
Literary Reference Center (EBSCO)
Information about authors, works of literature and literary characters, as well as definitions of literary terms and movements, and images of authors. Also includes streaming full-length videos of nearly 100 famous productions of classic plays.
MAS Ultra- School Edition (EBSCO – Magazines and Newspapers)
Designed specifically for high school libraries, MAS Ultra – School Edition contains full text for nearly 500 popular high school magazines covering a wide-range of subject areas including history, science, careers, and more.
Middle Search Plus (EBSCO – Magazines and Newspapers)
Contains full text for more than 170 popular middle school magazines as well as more than 103,000 biographies and historical essays. Titles covered in this database include Sports Illustrated Kids, Scholastic News, National Geographic and dozens more.
Poetry & Short Story Reference Center (EBSCO)
Provides a historically rich collection of hundreds of thousands of classic and contemporary poems, as well as short stories, biographies and authoritative essays on such topics as poetic forms, movements and techniques — including contemporary content from the finest publishers.
World Geography & Culture Online (InfoBase Learning)
Country data, with facts-at-a-glance and in-depth coverage through country entries, maps, flags, images, statistics, news articles, etc.
Writer’s Reference Center (InfoBase Learning)
Includes the mechanics of writing and grammar as well as style and research. Provides an in-depth grammatical section and presents a step-by-step guide for writing a good essay.