- Boy's knee pants for school, .49/pair
- Boy's shoes for school, .98/pair
- Boy's suit, fancy serges, worsteds, cashmeres, 2.98/each
- Girl's dress, plaids, trimmed with silk and fancy buttons, 2.00/each
- Hat, Derby, .98-2.25/each
- Men's coat, 4.98-60.00/each
- Men's neckwear, .25-1.00/each
- Men's rain coat, "rubberized," 10.00/each
- Men's shirt, .95-1.50/each
- Men's suit, 10.00-25.00/each
- Men's trousers, 1.98-2.45/pair
- Women's corset, "Reduco," 1.00-3.00/each
- Women's dress, French serge, 12.75/each
- Women's shoes, 2.00-8.00/pair
- Women's silk waists, 1.44-2.69/each
- Women's stockings, Buster Brown, 1.00/4 pairs in box
- Women's suit, 22.50/each
Employment & services
- Automobile salesmen, 10.00/week [trainee]; 25.00/week [experienced]
- Shoe shine, .05/customer
- Waitress & chambermaid, 30.00/month
Food & beverages
- Apples, .19/6 qt basket
- Bacon, Swift's, .20/lb
- Beans, baked, White Rose, .15/no 3 can
- Beef, pot roast, 12.5cents/lb
- Bread, .10/3 loaves
- Butter, fancy, .30/lb
- Cereal, Kellogg's Corn Flakes, .09/box
- Crackers, NBC, Uneeda, .10/3 boxes
- Eggs, Fresh Western, .27/dozen
- Flour, Christian's Best, .3.25/98 b sack
- Ham, Swift's Sugar Cured Cal. Ham, .12/lb
- Juice, Welch's Grape, .19/pint; .35/quart
- Ketchup, .10/bottle
- Lamb chops, .18/lb
- Macaroni, Muellers, egg noodles, .25/3 boxes
- Oats, rolled, New White, .19/6 lbs
- Peaches, .15/no 3 can
- Peanut brittle, .10/lb
- Peanut butter, .09/jar
- Root beer extract, .10/bottle
- Sardines, domestic, in oil, .25/6 cans
- Soup, Campbell's .25/3 cans
- Tea, English Breakfast, .35/lb
- Vinegar, .10/bottle
- Bed, brass, 25.00/each
- Bed spread, white crochet, double size, 1.35/each
- Chair, rocking, solid oak, 1.49-3.50/each
- Chairs, oak frames, imperial leather, 6 piece set, 11.98/set
- Rug, B. Altman & Co., 145,00-375.00/each
- Table, extension, oak polished, 14.50/each
Household & seasonal goods
- Blueing, .10/bottle
- Coal, 5.25-6.75/ton
- Cookware, enamel ware, .10-1.65/each
- Feather dusters, .10-1.00/each
- Flash light, 1.10-2.75/each
- Flower pots, .50/3 pots
- Kerosene, .50/5 gallons
- Mason fruit jars, .45/pint; .50/quart size
- Pail, .15-.65/each
- Rakes, lawn, .35-.50/each
- Range, "Ben Hur," 18.50-25.98/each
- Step ladders, .50-2.00/each
- Tea kettle, iron, .25-.98/each
- Vacuum, Regina, pneumatic cleaner, 25.00/each
- Wall brushes, .75-1.00/each
- Window shades, .25-.59/each
Daily Record [Morristown NJ], .01/daily paper
Personal care & health
- Hair tonic, Hay's, "Free sample," .10/postage
- Soap, Colgate, .25/3 cakes
- Toilet paper, .26/6 rolls
Real estate
Houses for sale
- Morris Plains, 6 rooms, city water, 2,250.00
- Morristown, 8 rooms, bath, heat, and gas, 6,000.00
- Morristown, 7 rooms, bath, heat and gas, 4,200.00
Houses for rent
None listed with prices
Apartments & rooms
5 rooms, 25.00/month
Recreation & amusements
- Piano, The Llwellyn, 195.00-250.00/each
- Theatre, Baker [Dover], .10-.50/ticket
- Theatre, Lyceum [Morristown] "Black Beauty," .25-1.00/ticket
- Trunks, steamer, 3.89-18.50/each
How much did it cost to stock holiday tables in 1910? These prices were advertised in The Daily Record [Morris County New Jersey], December 15-25, 1910
Meat & fowl
- Morris County geese, 20/lb
- Morris County ducks, .22/lb
- Ohio dry picked turkeys, fancy, .28/lb
- Ohio dry picked chickens, .22/lb
- Hind quarters of lamb, .16/lb
- Loins of Pork, .18/lb
- Fresh hams, .18/lb
- Sirloin and Porterhouse steak, .16/lb
- Sardines, imported, .10/can
- Bell's Poultry Seasoning, .10/box
- Mushrooms, .60/lb
- Sweet sugar corn, .09/can
- Maine cream corn, J.S. brand, .11/can
- Sweet peas, Pride of Jersey brand, .12/can
- Jersey Tomatoes, J.S. Brand, .14/can
- Lima Beans, Burlington brand, .11/can
- String beans, Golden Wedding brand, .09/can
- Asparagus tips, .23/can
- Olives, plain or stuffed, .25/bottle
- Cape Cod cranberries, .12/quart
- Finest Leghorn citron, .18/lb
- Candied lemon or orange peel, .15.lb
- Crystallized ginger, .15cents/box
- Table raisins, .12/lb
- Smyrna figs, .10/box
- Fard dates, .08/package
- Large grape fruit, .25/4 fruits
- Sweet Florida oranges, .25/dozen
- Oregon Apples, .40/dozen
- Malaga grapes, .15/lb
- Bartlett pears, .23/can
- California apricots, .15/can
- Hawaiian Pineapple, .15/can
Dairy, eggs & cheese
- Fresh western eggs, .28/dozen
- Fresh creamery butter, .35/lb
- Swiss cheese, imported, .29/lb
- Cream cheese, .17/lb
Cakes, candies, & nuts
- New Years cake, .12/lb
- Plum Pudding, Curtis Bros., .22/lb
- Mince meat, None Such, .25/3 pkgs
- Walnuts, .18/lb
- Pecans, .18/lb
- Taragona almonds, .18/lb
- Jumbo Brazils, .15.lb
- Filberts, .15/lb
- Old fashioned broken candy (fancy ribbon candy), .15/lb
- Chocolate drops, .15/.lb
- Peanut brittle, .10/lb
- Jelly Bon Bons, .10/lb
- Sweet cider, .25/gallon
- Condensed milk, .25/3 cans
- Tea, Viceroy, in fancy Xmas cans, .50/lb
- Coffee, 3 lb bag, .25/lb