None advertised
Cadillac Touring car, no year indicated, 75.00
- Boy's suit, shadow weave, 16.00/each
- Girl's coat, 7.50/each
- Girl's dress, Wanamaker's, trimmed with lace and embroidery, 1.75-3.00/each
- Hat, Salny Brothers, derby or soft style, 1.95/each
- Men's necktie, Wanmaker's, pure silk, .65/each
- Men's overcoat, Smith Gray & Co., 15.00/each
- Men's shirt, .50-1.50/each
- Men's smoking jacket, 3.50-7.50/each
- Men's suit, 12.95-20.00/each
- Women's blouse, macramé lace & silk, 6.95/each
- Women's coat, fur, 42.50-67.50/each
- Women's dress, serge, 5.98/each
- Women's fur muff, raccoon, 12.50/each
- Women's handbags, suede leather, 1.00-3.50/each
- Women's suit, tailored, tweed, 10.75/each
- Women's raincoat, Wanamaker's, 6.75/each
Food & beverages
- Apples, .20/gallon can
- Beef, chopped, .25/3 lbs
- Beef, chuck roast, .10/lb
- Butter, Fancy Table Quality, .31/lb
- Candy, mixed, .15-.40/lb
- Cereal, Hominy, .15/5 lb box
- Cherries, Maraschino, .69/quart bottle
- Chicken, roasting, .18/lb
- Corn, fancy, .25/3 cans
- Crackers, Nabisco, Uneeda, .10/2 pkgs
- Eggs, .23/dozen
- Fish, herring, .25/3 tins
- Flour, White Rose, .74/24.5 lb bag
- Fruit cup, .23/lb
- Ham, sugar cured, .15/lb
- Margarine, Butterine, .23-.31/lb
- Milk, Clover brand, .09/container
- Mincemeat, Libby's .12/lb
- Oats, Quaker, .09/pkg
- Oranges, Florida, .19/dozen
- Peas, Fancy Sweet, .25/2 cans
- Pork loin, .15/lb
- Potatoes, fanciest Maine, .55/half bushel barrel
- Raisins or currants, .12/pkg
- Soup, Campbell's, .25/3 cans
- Sugar, .20/3.5 lbs
- Tea, Viceroy, .25/half pound
- Tomatoes, .29/gallon can
- Turkey, .22/lb
- Bed, brass, 20.95/each
- Bed, enameled, 8.00/each
- Chair, Morris style, golden oak with removable tufted cushions, 4.69/each
- Chair, rocker, mahogany, .3.49/each
- Dresser, oak, French beveled mirror, 3 drawers, 7.24/each
- Music cabinet, mahogany, 5.49/each
- Parlor suite, 3 piece, highly polished mahogany, 27.89/each
- Rug, 27" X 54", 1.89/each
- Setee, leather, 200.00-245.00/each
- Table, oak extension, 9.74/each
Household & seasonal goods
- Bread mixer, 2.00-2.50/each
- Carpet sweeper, Bissell, 1.79/each
- Chafing dish set, 10.00/set
- Christmas tree holders, .29-.75/each
- Clothes ringer, 3.50-5.50/each
- Curtains, French net, 2.49-4.50/pair
- Food chopper, .98-2.75/each
- Matches, .10/3 large boxes
- Scissors, .25-.90/pair
- Sheets, 72" X 90", .34-.49/each
- Starch, .07/2 lbs
- Washing machine, 7.00-10.00/each
- Window shades, .08/each
Personal care & health
- Hair brush, .10-.49/each
- Perfume, Arario, 1.50/bottle
- Razor, 1.00-2.49/each
- Razor strop, .24-1.00/each
- Soap, Swift's Pride, .25/8 cakes
Real estate
Houses for sale
none advertised
Houses for rent
- 6 rooms, modern bath, steam heat, 25.00/month
- 6 rooms, near train station, 16.00/month
Apartments & rooms
- 5 rooms, first floor, 15.00/month
- 7 rooms, Washington Street, 12.00/month
Recreation & amusements
- Piano, Llewellyn, 200.00/each
- Victrola, oak, full-sized cabinet, 200.00/each
Tobacco & alcohol
None advertised
How much did it cost to stock Thanksgiving tables in 1911? These prices were advertised in The Daily Record [Morris County New Jersey], November 18-22, 1911
Meat, fowl & fish
- Bacon, breakfast, .15/lb
- Beef, chopped, .25/3 lbs
- Beef, Porterhouse roast, .18/lb
- Chicken, fresh killed, Morris County, .20/lb
- Flounder, .06/lb
- Halibut, .15/lb
- Ham, smoked, .16/lb
- Ham, fresh, .16/lb
- Lamb, hind quarter, .16/lb
- Mince meat, Armour's Veribest, .20/pail
- Pork, loin, .15.lb
- Sausage, .20/lb
- Turkey, fresh killed, Morris County, .28/lb
- Asparagus, white, California, .50/qt jar
- Beans, lima, .16/can
- Beans, string, .10/can
- Carrots or Turnips, .25/6 qt basket
- Corn, J.S. brand, .12/can
- Corn, cream, .09/can
- Macaroni or spaghetti, .10/pkg
- Olives, fancy Queen, .35/jar
- Olives, plain or stuffed, .25/3 bottles
- Peas, early June, .05/can
- Potatoes, Maine, 3.25/sack
- Pumpkins, .10/can
- Rice, fancy, .10/pkg
- Sauerkraut, Heinz, .25/4 qts
- Squash, .10/can
- Succotash, .12/no. 2 can
- Sweet potatoes, .29/6 qt basket
- Tomatoes, Jersey, .12/can
- Cranberries, .13/qt
- Dates, stuffed, .20/box
- Figs, New Smyrna, .18/lb
- Grape fruit, .25/4
- Grapes, Malaga, .25/2 lbs
- Grapes, Tokay, .25/2 lbs
- Lemons, Messina, .20/doz
- Oranges, sweet, .25/doz
- Raisins, Sultana, .15/pkg
Dairy, eggs & cheese
- Butter, Elgin, .37/lb
- Cheese, .17/lb
- Condensed milk, Hire's, .25/3 cans
- Eggs, .40/doz
- Chocolates, French, .12/lb
- Chocolates, Sultana Raisin Clusters, .27/lb
- Jelly bon bons, .12/lb
- Mixed nuts, .18/lb
- Peanut brittle, .12/lb
- Pecans, .18/lb
- Plum pudding, R&R, .65/3 lb tin
- Walnuts, English, .22/lb
Baking, cereals, spices & condiments
- Baking powder, Daisy, .45/20 oz can
- Buckwheat, .45/12 lb sack
- Celery salt, .15/box
- Chocolate, baking, .29/lb
- Cinnamon, .10/box
- Curry powder, .10/box
- Flour, Graham, .18/5 lb sack
- Flour, wheat, Ralstons, .23/6 lbs
- Ginger, crystalized, .30/pkg
- Honey, in comb, .18
- Lard compound, .10/lb
- Mustard, Colburn's, .25/half lb tin
- Oats, Mother's .25/3 pkgs
- Paprika, .15/box
- Pepper, .10/box
- Poultry seasoning, .10/box
- Puffed rice, Quaker, .25/2 pkgs
- Sage, .25/lb
- Savory, .25/lb
- Thyme, .25/lb
- Vanilla flavoring, .10/bottle
- Cider, sweet, .20/gal
- Cocoa, Huyler's, .17/half lb tin
- Coffee, 8 O'clock, .25/lb
- Grape juice, .23/pt bottle
- Tea, .50/lb
Paper bag cookery?
"Cooking with paper bags. Simply place your Roast, your Fowl, your Pudding etc., into the Cookery Bag; seal it--place it into the pan--remove from the oven when the time has expired--that's all. no shrinkage,-- no loss of flavor--no smell of cooking--no pans to wash. Genuine Cookery Bags are odorless, tasteless, moisture-proof, germ-proof. We sell them in 25 cent packets containing from 15 to 60 bags of either straight or assorted sizes."---display ad, The MacKinnon Company, 40 Sussex Ave., Morristown, Daily Record, November 22, 1911 (p. 1)