- Abbott-Detroit, 7 passenger, new, 1,800.00
- Ford Model T, new, 5 passenger 690.00
- Studebaker E-M-F "30," new 1,100.00
- Studebaker, Flanders "20," new 800.00
- Ford T Touring, used 1 year 450.00
- Runabout Auto, used, no year 95.00
- Ginger ale or Sarsaparilla .07 1/2 per bottle
- Milk .12/quart
- Men's blue or brown serge suits 1.98-5.98
- Men's hats 1.95
- Men's shirts .95
- Men's trousers 1.45-2.95/pair
- Women's dresses 12.50-25.00
- Women's serge dress 4.98
- Women's spring coat 4.98-9.98
- Children's dresses .50-2.95
- Children's shoes .85-3.00/pair
- Shoes, custom made 5.00/pair
- Carriage painters 3.25/day
- Strong boy to help after school 1.50/day
- Asparagus, Del Monte .19/can
- Bacon .16/lb
- Beans, white wax .25/3 cans
- Butter .35/lb
- Cheese, cream .20/lb
- Cookies, Nabisco's Zuzus .04/pkg
- Crackers, Nabisco's Uneeda .04/pkg
- Eggs .22/dozen
- Fish, Red Alaska Salmon .15/can
- Flour, wheat .23/6 lbs
- Ham, sugar cured .15/lb
- Jell-O .25/3 packages
- Onions, Bermuda .55/6 quart basket
- Oranges, navel .25/6 oranges
- Potatoes .59/16 quart basket
- Rice .27/5 lbs
- Soup, Campbell's 1.00/13 cans
- Sugar, granulated .37/7 lbs
- Bed, brass reg. 18.00, sale 9.95
- Dining room set, 8 pieces 39.50
- Mattresses 5.50-6.50
- Parlor furniture, 3 piece 23.95
- Porch rocker .98-3.50
Garden equipment
- Lawn mowers 1.98-4.50
- Rose bush, .09/each
- Wheelbarrow 1.75-4.00
Household goods
- Curtains 1.00-3.00/pair
- Dinnerware set, 100 pieces 6.45
- Folding go-cart [baby stroller] 2.95
- Laundry soap .25/10 cakes
- Haviland china, 100 piece set 46.45
- Rug, rag, 9'X12' 10.00
- Refrigerator [ice box], McKee 7.95
- Sheets, Utica .98-4.50/each
- Vacuum hand cleaner, Regina 12.00
Medicine & health care
Blaud's Iron Pills, 100 count, .08/bottle
- Daily Record .01/weekday paper
- Classified advertising .01/word
Personal care
- Hair dye, Hay's Hair Health 1.00/bottle
- Pacific toilet paper .25/7 rolls
- Razor strops .50-3.00/each
- Razors 1.75-4.00/each
- Tooth powder .15/can
Professional Services
- Dry cleaning, men's suit 1.25/each
- Shoe shine .05/shine
Real estate
- House, 8 rooms, Morristown, 4,000.00
- House, 10 rooms, Morristown, 3,000.00
- House, 7 rooms, Morristown, 1,800.00
- House, 6 rooms on trolley line 2,800.00
- House for rent, 8 rooms 33.33/month
- Apartment for rent, 6 rooms 20.00/month
- Farm, 8 acres with 9 room house 4,000.00
Recreation & amusements
- Bird cages 3.50-7.00/each
- Canaries 2.59/each
- Greeting cards, hand painted .10-.15/each
- Niagara Falls excursion, train, 7 days 10.00
- Piano, upright 450.00
- Sheet music .07/copy
- Suitcases 1.15-18.40