Tires, Diamond brand, plain tread, 9.00-43.80/each (many sizes) Alfalfa horse feed, 1.75/100 lbs
- Men's coats, 10.00/each
- Men's suits, 7.85-16.50/each
- Men's shirts, .79-1.00/each
- Women's suit, wool, 8.98-15.00/each
- Women's dress, serge, 2.87-5.98/each
- Women's dress shoes, patent leather button and lace, 1.00-2.00/pair
- Women's blouse (shirtwaist), China silk, 1.00-1.98/each
- Women's coats, heavy plaid wool, 4.98-10.00/each
- Boy's coats, 1.50-2.50/each
- Boy's suits, 3.85-8.50/each
- Girl's coats, heavy winter, 1.98-6.98/each
- Girl's dresses, 1.00-1.50/each
- Gloves, dress, 1.00-1.50/pair
- Ostrich plumes, black and white, 1.00-1.98/each
Food & beverages
- Apples, 8 quart basket, .35/basket
- Bacon, Swift's Premium, .23/lb jar
- Beans, baked, Campbell's, .25/3 cans
- Beef, chopped, 12.5/lb
- Beef, sirloin steak, .18/lb
- Butter, fresh Elgin creamery, .37/lb
- Candy, fancy boxes, 1.00-1.50/box (no size indicated)
- Cereal, Post Toasties, .20/2 boxes
- Chicken, 1.00/4.5 lb bird
- Cocoa, Hershey's, .15/half pound tin
- Coffee, .18/lb
- Cookies, ZuZu, Nabisco, .04/package
- Corn, .25/3 cans
- Crackers, Uneeda, Nabisco .04/package
- Eggs, 1.00/dozen
- Flour, Christian's Best XXX, .95/24 lb sack
- Fish, codfish, boneless, frozen .17/lb brick
- Grapefruit, .25/7
- Ham, Swift's sugar cured, .15/lb
- Ice cream, 1.00/quart
- Jelly, Curtice Brothers, .12/1b can
- Ketchup, Blue Label, .18-.20/bottle
- Lettuce, .05/head
- Margarine, Butterine, .25/lb
- Milk, condensed, Devon brand, .20/3 cans
- Onions, red, .10/basket (no size specified)
- Oranges, navel, Sunkist, .25/15
- Potatoes, .29/6 quart basket
- Soup, Van Camp's, .25/3 cans
- Sugar, granulated, .19/3.5 lbs
- Tea, Lipton, .28/half pound
- Tomatoes, .08/large no. 3 can
- Worcestershire Sauce, .10/bottle
- Bed, brass, full-sized, 14.00-21.25/each
- Bedroom set, 4 piece, brown oak, 236.50-355.00/set
- Bookshelves, bamboo, 1.00-1.50/each
- Buffet, golden oak, 18.75-25.00/each
- Chairs, tapestry covered arm chair, 20.25-27.00/each
- China closet, golden oak, 30.50-34.00/each
- Desk, mahogany, "drop lid," 20.50-31.00/each
- Dining room set, 10 piece, mahogany inlaid, 318.00-424.00/set
- Living room set, 3 piece, brown oak, tapestry seats, 154.00-171.50/set
- Rugs, 9' X 12', Wilton and Axminster oriental style, 18.75-29.50/each
- Table, folding card with leatherette top, 1.00-1.50/each
Scissors, Henckle's highest grade, .58-1.29/pair
Household goods
- Ammonia, .25/bottle
- Bedspread, full size, 1.00-1.50/each
- Blankets, white wool, 70"X 82", 4.65/each
- Candle sticks, sterling silver, 18.00-26.00/pair
- Clock, alarm, .74/each
- Curtains, French lace, 3.75-6.50/pair
- Laundry soap, Borax, .25/6 cakes
- Light bulbs, Edison Mazda, 1.00/5
- Towels, 1.50/dozen
- Wash board, .35/each
Daily Record, [Morristown, NJ], .01/daily paper
Personal care & health
- Beecham's pills (indigestion remedy), .25/bottle (no size indicated)
- Comb, white or black, .25-.75/each
- Curling irons, .10/each
- Hair pins, invisible, .05/each
- Knowlton's Danderine (anti-dandruff treatment), .25/bottle
- Laxative, Cascaret's,.10/box (no size indicated)
- Sloan's Linament (Neuralgia pain cure) .25/bottle
- Soap, fancy toilet, .10/box
- Toothbrush, .10-.25/each
- Toothpicks, .05/box of 1,000
Real estate
Houses for sale:
- Morristown, 14 rooms, 4,000.00
- Morristown, 8 rooms, 2,850.00
- Morristown, 12 rooms, 2,500.00
Houses for rent:
- Morristown, 9 bedrooms, and bath, 40.00/month
- Morristown, 12 rooms, South St., 83.34/month
- Morris Plains, 7 rooms, 35.00/month
Apartments & rooms:
- Morristown, 4 room flat, gas, and bathroom, 12.00/month
- Morristown, 5 rooms, gas and garden, 14.00/month
- Y.M.C.A., furnished rooms, men only, 2.00/week
Recreation & amusements
- Baseball gloves, 1.00-3.00/each
- Basketball game, Y.M.C.A. [Morristown, NJ], .15-.25/ticket
- Books, complete works of Shakespeare, leather bound, 6.00-12.00/set
- Dinner, Speedwell House and Restaurant, seven courses, .35/person
- Novels, .10-.15/each
- Ice skates, 1.00-1.50/pair
- Phonograph, Aeolian-Vocalion, 90.00/each
- Player piano rolls, 1.00-1.50/each
- Recital, "Daddy Long Legs," .25/ticket
- Roller Skates, Ball Ba brand, 1.00-1.50/pair
- Skatemobiles, .85-1.50/each
- Sneakers, men's, white tennis oxfords with rubber soles, 1.00/pair
- Theatre, "Supreme Vaudeville," Palace Theatre [Morristown, NJ],.10-.25/ticket