- Dodge Brothers Winter car, 950.00
- Ford sedan, 740.00
- Boas, Stone Martin, 3.98/each
- Boys' overcoat, 2.85-3.98/each
- Children's pajamas, flannelette, .37/pair
- Girls' velvet dress, 2.98-2.39/each
- Gloves, woolen, .23/pair
- Hat, velour, .98/each
- Men's overcoats, 10.00/each
- Men's rubber boots, .79-1.49/pair
- Men's tuxedo suit, 17.00/each
- Men's dress shirt, Arrow, 1.50-2.00/each
- Men's trousers, 1.35-2.85/each
- Muffs, badger, 10.98/each; black coney, 4.98/each; opossum, 9.98/each
- Umbrella, 1.00-6.42/each
- Women's blouse, voile, 1.09-1.69/each
- Women's dress, satin, taffeta, fur-trimmed, 16.49/each
- Women's dress, serge, 4.45-6.98/each
- Women's skating suit, 13.50-14.98/each
- Women's skirt, 2.49-3.69/each
- Women's suit, fur trimmed, 22.50-27.50/each
- Messenger/Delivery person 120.00/60 days work
- Salesman, automotive, 30.00-40.00/week
- Woman to introduce new sanitary specialty for residences and business buildings. Talking unnecessary, 25.00/week
Food & beverages
- Apples, fancy table, .15/4 quarts
- Bacon, .12/lb
- Bread, .04-.98/loaf
- Brussels Sprouts, .10/quart
- Butter, Finest Elgin Creamery, .37/lb
- Candy canes, .01/each
- Capons [chicken], Fancy Philadelphia, .29/lb
- Chocolate Filbert Kisses, .23/lb
- Cocoa, Hershey's .08/box
- Coffee, White Rose, .32/lb
- Cookies, National Biscuit Company, Fig Bars, .10/lb
- Corn, sugar, .25/3 tins
- Cucumbers, hothouse, .10/each
- Dates, .12/lb
- Eggs, Choice Western, .20/dozen
- Fish, tuna, canned, White Rose, .23/large can
- Lamb, .08/lb
- Lettuce, .05/head
- Mincemeat, .39/3 lb pail
- Oatmeal .08/large pkg
- Onions, .05/large bunch
- Oranges, Florida, extra large sweet and juicy, .25/13
- Pineapples, sweet sugar, .10/each
- Potatoes, Jersey, .55/half bushel
- Tangerines, fancy, .25/dozen
- Tomatoes, hothouse, .20/quart basket
- Tunny [tuna] fish, White Rose, .23/large can; .14/small can
Baby carriage, Pullman, 35.00/each
Household goods
- Blanket, wool, 76" X 90", 2.27-2.98/each
- Curtains, 1.35-2.29/pair
- Matches, noiseless, .10/3 boxes
- Mop, "Wizard," .25/each
- Washing tablets, La France, .04/pkg
- Sheets, Utica, 54" X 90, .55/each; 90" X 90", .77/each
- Tablecloth, Irish Linen, 72" X 108", 3.95/each
Daily Record [Morristown NJ] .01/daily paper
Personal care & health
- Cough remedy, Medicum, .25/bottle
- Danderine, for thicker hair, .25/bottle
- Dental plates, 10.00/each
- Fillings, 1.00/each
- Laxative, Rexall Orderlies, .10-.50/bottle
- Razors, 1.75-4.50/each
- Syrup of figs for children, .50/bottle
- Toilet paper, .25/7 rolls
Real estate
Houses for sale
- Morristown, 10 rooms, improvements, 10,000.00
- Morristown, 2 family, 6 bedrooms, 4,500.00
- 5 room bungalow, large porch over the lake, 3,000
Houses for rent
6 rooms, near park, 12.00/month
Apartments & rooms
- Morristown, 5 rooms, corner of Market & MacCulloch, 15.00/month
- Morristown, lower half of house, 2 Maple Ave., 18.00/month
- YMCA furnished rooms, 2.00+/week
Recreation & amusements
- Basketball game, .15/ticket
- Cigarettes, Lord Salisbury, .15/20 count pkg
- Movie, .25/ticket (adults); .15/ticket (children)
- Photoengraving, 25" X 35", "Sherman's March to the Sea," .39-1.50/each
- Steamer trunks (Brinks), 4.68-18.50/each
- Suitcases, 1.00-18.50/each
- Theatre, New Park, evening, .15, .25, .35 & .50/ticket
- YMCA American Girls concert, .50/ticket; 1.00/season pass