Austin of England, Devon, sedan, 1,660.00
[note: other cars were advertised without prices]
- 1946, Chrysler New Yorker, sedan, 2,495.00
- 1941, Oldsmobile, sedan, 1,395.00
- 1939, Buick Club Coupe, 1,195.00
- Boy's suit, seersucker, 3.98-4.98/each
- Girl's bathing suit, 2.50-6.98/each
- Girl's dress, 1.00-5.98/each
- Girl's pinafore, 1.00-5.98/each
- Men's shirt, Basque, .98/each
- Men's shoes, Florsheim, 8.95/pair
- Men's slacks, washable, 3.95/pair
- Men's sport jacket, 17.95-45.00/each
- Men's suit, Palm Beach, 26.75/each
- Women's blouse, 2.00-5.00/each
- Women's dress, 7.98/each
- Women's shoes, dress, 9.95-16.95/pair
- Women's skirt, 2.50-5.00/each
- Women's slacks, 5.00-7.98/each
- Women's suit, summer, 19.98-29.98/each
- Barber, 50.00/week
- Counterman for coffee shop, 50.00/week
- Handyman to work in garden, 1.00/hour
- Telephone operator, New Jersey Bell, 32.00/week
- Tree men, 1.25/hour
Food & beverages
- Apples, Western Winesap, .15/lb
- Bacon, Armour's Star, .69/lb
- Blueberries, .39/pint
- Bread, .14/sliced loaf
- Cake, Virginia Lee, Angel, .45/each
- Cake mix, Gold Seal, .23/box
- Cereal, Kellogg's, Rice Krispies, .14/5.5 oz pkg
- Coffee, Nescafe, instant, .39/4 oz jar
- Cookies, Nabisco, Fig Newtons, .18/8 oz pkg
- Cracker Jack, .09/2 pkgs
- Crackers, Nabisco, Ritz, .31/lb pkg
- Eggs, .79/dozen
- Fish, tuna, Breast of Chicken, .45/can
- Frankfurters, Armour's Star, .55/lb
- Ham, smoked cala, .57/lb
- Jelly, Shimmel's grape, .15/12 oz jar
- Juice, Del Monte, orange, .25/no. 5 can
- Juice, Welch's, grape, .39/quart bottle
- Lamb, leg, .69/lb
- Margarine, Asco, .41/lb
- Marshmallows, Campfire, .31/lb
- Mayonnaise, Hellmann's, .49/pint
- Milk, fresh, .23/quart
- Olives, Ideal, stuffed, .25/3 oz jar
- Onions, yellow, .17/2 lbs
- Oranges, .19/dozen
- Peanut butter, Fyne Taste, .31/lb jar
- Pickles, Colonial Kosher dill, .35/quart jar
- Plums, red, .19/lb
- Pork & beans, Rodal Scarlet, .27/two 16 oz cans
- Potato chips, .23/5 oz bag
- Processed meat, Hormel, SPAM .47/12 oz can
- Soda, Coca Cola, .25/six 6 oz bottles
- Soup, Campbell's, tomato, .29/3 cans
- Spaghetti, Chef Boy-Ar-Dee, with meatballs, .21/6 oz can
- String beans, fresh Jersey, .23/2 lbs
- Sugar, Jack Frost, .42/5 lb bag
- Tea, Asco, .28/4 oz pkg
- Watermelon, .05/lb
- Ammonia, Sped-up, .25/two 32 oz bottles
- Cleanser, Ajax, .11/14 oz can
- Cot, roll-away, includes mattress, 59.50/each
- Diapers, 2.00/dozen
- Dutch oven, 6 quart, 3.99-6.98/each
- Fan, electric, 8", 4.45/each
- Laundry soap, Octagon, .39/3 pkgs
- Mason jars, .69/pint; .75/quart
- Paint, house, 4.25/gallon
- Sheets, Cannon, percale, 42" X 72", 1.37-1.98/each
- Towel, Martex, bath, 1.79/each
- Washing machine, Bendix, 199.95/each
Lawn & garden
- Charcoal briquettes, .39/2 lbs
- Grill, charcoal, folding, 3.98/each
- Hose, garden, 3.35-5.00/each
- Insecticide, Flit, .39/quart
- Lawn chair, Telescope, canvas with wood frame, 7.98/each
- Picnic jug, gallon size, 3.95/each
- Picnic table, California redwood, table & benches, 19.95/set
Personal care & health
- Alka-Seltzer, .49/pkg
- Aspirin, Bayer, .59/bottle
- Calamine lotion, .49/bottle
- Cleansing cream, Noxema, .49/jar
- Mineral oil, Squibb, .69/pint
- Permanent wave, Lustra Oil, 7.50/person
- Soap, Ivory, personal size, .20/3 cakes
- Sunburn cream, Diana Grey, .59/pkg
- Suntan lotion, Norwich, .23/pkg
- Tissue, Lidia Grey, .65/two 400 count pkgs
- Toilet paper, Petal Soft, .25/2 rolls
- Toothpaste, Ipana, .43/tube
Real estate
Houses for sale
- Mendham, 4 bedrooms, 12,000.00
- Morris Plains, colonial, 6 rooms, 12,500.00
- Morris Plains, 4 rooms, 8,500.00
- Houses for rent
- Wharton, 5 rooms, 95.00/month
- Apartments & rooms
- Morris Plains, 7 rooms, 65.00/month
- Morristown, large room, 15.00/month
Recreation & amusements
- Auto picnic tray, 1.99/each
- Bertrand Island Amusement Park [Lake Hopatcong], .10/ride
- Camera, Anso, Rediflex, 14.70/each
- Horse racing, Monmouth Park, 1.80/general admission
- Radio, auto, 29.95/each
- Telephone call, Morristown-San Francisco, 3 minutes, 2.50+tax/each
- Television, Philco 1001, 349.50/each
- Theatre ticket, Lakeside Theatre [Lake Hopatcong, NJ], 1.00-1.50/ticket